NCERT Notes for Class 9
cbsestudyguru are providing CBSE notes for 9th grade students, mainly in physics, chemistry, mathematics, English, Hindi, social studies and biology.
These notes are designed to help students overcome any difficulties in solving mathematical problems and understanding complex scientific concepts. In fact, these notes can be used as valuable reference work for effective review of all chapters on any topic. Students can also use these notes. Detailed explanations, practical tasks and tips for proper learning without wasting a lot of precious time.
The 9th class NCERT notes can help students solve all the problems in the subject while gaining a deep understanding of all the concepts contained there in. The 9th class NCERT forms the basis of the competition. Chapter notes for each subject, such as science, mathematics, and social studies. This will help students understand the concept of the subject. cbse notes for class 9
It is impossible to solve all the problems with the teacher in class. This is how NCERT 9th class notes will help you solve the remaining problems and become a master of the subject. NCERT Science Notes 9 can help students learn clearly. Each concept is included in the topic and requires careful preparation for the exam. If the student is pursuing an engineering degree or a medical career, it is important to complete the exercises in the 9th class science exam. Notes will be of great help here.
Mathematics is considered one of the most difficult subjects because you need a solid foundation to understand the concepts of mathematics. If you want to have a great career, mathematics is very important.
NCERT Notes for Class 9 by cbsestudyguru can prove to be a great learning tool for students to solve the problem and score well in the exams. NCERT Notes for Class 9 Social Science will help the students to understand the chapters in a better way. It will be easier to score well in the exams as these Notes are prepared in such a way that it is very easy to comprehend the subject and understand it.
Besides, it will become easier to retain the chapters. NCERT Notes for Class 9 Hindi can help you learn the subject and do well in exams without making any extra efforts. Hindi language is very important in India . Learning Hindi and scoring good marks in exams will not be a difficult task anymore. Notes cbsestudyguru will help the students to perform well in every section which includes- poetry, prose and grammar.
Sanskrit is a language of ancient India and it is perceived as difficult to learn. Scoring good marks in Sanskrit will greatly improve on your overall percentage. NCERT Notes for Class 9 Sanskrit will help the students to learn the chapters in an easy way. cbsestudyguru has made the Notes to make learning Sanskrit enjoyable, besides helping the students to perform well in the subject.
NCERT Notes for Class 9
NCERT Notes for Class 9 Maths |
NCERT Notes for Class 9 Science |
NCERT Notes for Class 9 Social Science |
NCERT Notes for Class 9 English Moments |
NCERT Notes for Class 9 English Beehive |
NCERT Notes for Class 9 Hindi |
NCERT Notes for Class 9 Hindi Sparsh |
NCERT Notes for Class 9 Hindi Sanchayan |
NCERT Notes for Class 9 Hindi Kritika |
NCERT Notes for Class 9 Hindi kshitiz |
NCERT Notes for Class 9 Sanskrit |
NCERT Notes for class 9
NCERT Notes for class 9 Maths
Chapter 1 Number systems |
Chapter 2 Polynomials |
Chapter 3 Coordinate Geometry |
Chapter 4 Linear Equations in Two Variables |
Chapter 5 Introduction to Euclid Geometry |
Chapter 6 Lines and Angles |
Chapter 7 Triangles |
Chapter 8 Quadrilaterals |
Chapter 9 Areas of Parallelograms and Triangles |
Chapter 10 Circles |
Chapter 11 Constructions |
Chapter 12 Heron’s Formula |
Chapter 13 Surface Areas and Volumes |
Chapter 14 Statistics |
Chapter 15 Probability |
NCERT Notes for class 9 Science
NCERT Notes for class 9 Social Science
NCERT Notes for Class 9 Social Science History
Class 9 History Chapters |
Chapter 1 The French Revolution |
Chapter 2 Socialism in Europe and the Russian Revolution |
Chapter 3 Nazism and the Rise of Hitler |
Chapter 4 Forest Society and Colonialism |
Chapter 5 Pastoralists in the Modern World |
NCERT Notes for Class 9 Social Science Geography
Class 9 Geography Chapters |
Chapter 1 India–Size and Location |
Chapter 2 Physical Features of India |
Chapter 3 Drainage |
Chapter 4 Climate |
Chapter 5 Natural Vegetation and Wildlife |
Chapter 6 Population |
NCERT Notes for Class 9 Social Science Political Science
Class 9 Political Science Chapters |
Chapter 1 What is Democracy? Why Is Democracy? |
Chapter 2 Constitutional Design |
Chapter 3 Electoral Politics |
Chapter 4 Working of Institutions |
Chapter 5 Democratic Rights |
NCERT Notes for Class 9 Social Science Economics
Class 9 Economics Chapters |
Chapter 1 The Story of Village Palampur |
Chapter 2 People as Resource |
Chapter 3 Poverty as a Challenge |
Chapter 4 Food Security in India |
NCERT Notes for class 9 English
NCERT Notes for Class 9 English Beehive
Class 9 English Beehive (Poem)
Class 9 English Supplementary Reader Moments
NCERT Notes for class 9 Hindi
NCERT Notes for Class 9 Hindi Kshitij
NCERT s for Class 9 Hindi Kshitij Bhag 1 क्षितिज भाग 1 |
गद्य – खंड |
Chapter 1 दो बैलों की कथा |
Chapter 2 ल्हासा की ओर |
Chapter 3 उपभोक्तावाद की संस्कृति |
Chapter 4 साँवले सपनों की याद |
Chapter 5 नाना साहब की पुत्री देवी मैना को भस्म कर दिया गया |
Chapter 6 प्रेमचंद के फटे जूते |
Chapter 7 मेरे बचपन के दिन |
Chapter 8 एक कुत्ता और एक मैना |
NCERT Notes for Class 9 Hindi Kritika
NCERT Notes for Class 9 Hindi Kritika Bhag 1 कृतिका भाग 1 |
Chapter 1 इस जल प्रलय में |
Chapter 2 मेरे संग की औरतें |
Chapter 3 रीढ़ की हड्डी |
Chapter 4 माटी वाली |
Chapter 5 किस तरह आखिरकार मैं हिंदी में आया |
NCERT Notes for Class 9 Hindi Sparsh
NCERT Notes for Class 9 Hindi Sparsh Bhag 1 स्पर्श भाग 1 |
गद्य – खंड |
Chapter 1 धूल |
Chapter 2 दुःख का अधिकार |
Chapter 3 एवरेस्ट : मेरी शिखर यात्रा |
Chapter 4 तुम कब जाओगे, अतिथि |
Chapter 5 वैज्ञानिक चेतना के वाहक : चन्द्र शेखर वेंकट रामन |
Chapter 6 कीचड़ का काव्य |
Chapter 7 धर्म की आड़ |
Chapter 8 शक्र तारे के समान |
NCERT Notes for Class 9 Hindi Sanchayan
NCERT Notes for Class 9 Hindi Sanchayan Bhag 1 संचयन भाग 1 |
Chapter 1 गिल्लू |
Chapter 2 स्मृति |
Chapter 3 कल्लू कुम्हार की उनाकोटी |
Chapter 4 मेरा छोटा-सा निजी पुस्तकालय |
Chapter 5 हामिद खाँ |
Chapter 6 दिये जल उठे |
NCERT Notes for class 9 Sanskrit
Shemushi Sanskrit Class 9 NCERT Notes
Shemushi Sanskrit Class 9 Chapter 1 भारतीवसन्तगीतिः |
Shemushi Sanskrit Class 9 s Chapter 2 स्वर्णकाकः |
Shemushi Sanskrit Class 9 s Chapter 3 गोदोहनम् |
Shemushi Sanskrit Class 9 s Chapter 4 कल्पतरूः |
Shemushi Sanskrit Class 9 s Chapter 5 सूक्तिमौक्तिकम् |
Class 9th Sanskrit Book Chapter 6 भ्रान्तो बालः |
Class Ninth Sanskrit Chapter 7 प्रत्यभिज्ञानम् |
9th Class Sanskrit Chapter 8 लौहतुला |
Sanskrit Class 9 NCERT s Chapter 9 सिकतासेतुः |
NCERT s Class 9 Sanskrit Chapter 10 जटायोः शौर्यम् |
Class 9 Sanskrit s Chapter 11 पर्यावरणम् |
शेमुषी संस्कृत Class 9 s Chapter 12 वाडमनःप्राणस्वरूपम् |
Importance of CBSE Notes
- CBSE notes are concise and clear, covering all topics in each chapter.
- In terms of exams, CBSE Notes is designed to help students quickly familiarize themselves with all the main concepts without losing focus.
- Key formulas, theorems and equations are part of these notes, making them one of the most useful learning materials.
- It is important to cover the entire NCERT course; however, it is not possible to cover the entire textbook temporarily, especially if you hold a short-term study permit during the exam. BSE recommendations are helpful in this situation.
- The CBSE notes contain detailed and well-structured explanations of all the concepts introduced in this tutorial.
Benefits of CBSE Notes
There are very important points in the CBSE notes, and for each chapter, each concept has been simplified to make it easier to remember and increase the chances of getting a good test score. CBSE Notes from cbsestudyguru is the best reference for exam preparation. Here are some details about how these solutions can help you prepare for the exam.
- This helps students solve many of the problems in each chapter and encourages them to make their concepts more meaningful.
- CBSE Notes encourages you to update your knowledge and refine your concepts so that you can achieve good results in the exam.
- These CBSE notes are the best test materials to help you discover your week and advantages. To get good results in the exam, it is important to overcome your weaknesses.
- Most exam questions are worded in the same order as in the NCERT textbook, so students should carefully read the notes in each chapter to better understand the topic.
- This premium is free of cost.
Tips & Strategies for Exam Preparation
1. Develop a timetable to complete your plan and take time to review it
2. Please refer to the CBSE instructions at to clarify your concepts while preparing for the exam.
3. Start learning with A learning application that successfully passed the exam. Provide complete teaching materials, including resolved and unresolved tasks.
4. Before the exam, it is important to clarify any questions with the teacher or Alex.
5. When you read or study a chapter, write down the algorithm formulas, theorems, etc., and review them quickly before the exam.
6. Ask many questions to support your concept.
7. Take a good rest, eat well, don’t worry.
Why opt for cbsestudyguru CBSE ?
- cbsestudyguru provide CBSE Notes for all subjects at your fingertips.
- These CBSE Notes are designed by subject matter experts and provide solutions to every NCERT textbook questions.
- cbsestudyguru especially focuses on making learning interactive, effective and for all classes.
- We provide free CBSE Notes all classes.