Class 9 Moments Chapter 1 The Lost Child Summary

Moments Chapter 1 The Lost Child Summary

Class 9 Moments Chapter 1 The Lost Child Summary, the lost child class 9 pdf notes, the lost child full story (English) exam are Students are taught thru NCERT books in some of the state board and CBSE Schools. As the chapter involves an end, there is an exercise provided to assist students to prepare for evaluation. Students need to clear up those exercises very well because the questions inside the very last asked from those.

Sometimes, students get stuck inside the exercises and are not able to clear up all of the questions.  To assist students, solve all of the questions, and maintain their studies without a doubt, we have provided step by step summary for the students for all classes.  These summaries will similarly help students in scoring better marks with the assist of a properly illustrated summary as a way to similarly assist the students and answering the questions right.

Class 9 Moments Chapter 1 The Lost Child Summary


In this chapter, the author deals with the child’s psychology in a sensitive way without shying away from its reality. We, too, have grown up as an accepted part of our multicultural neighbourhood in the world. Anand is at his strongest when writing about the child’s classic confrontational relationship with his world without parents. Young adult readers will be able to identify with the lost child’s struggle to live within his family’s ambit, while trying to discover his own world outside.


Mulk Raj Anand, an Indian writer in English is well-known for his depiction of the Indian society. The lesson, The Lost Child’ vividly depicts an Indian rural village with all its charm, simplicity and gaiety, especially during the festive season.

The main theme of this lesson is the child’s agony and desperation when he is suddenly lost in a crowd and realises that he doesn’t have the warm protection of his parents. The child is taken by the parents to a fair during spring season. He is filled with joy on seeing the fun and grandeur around him. He wants to stop at every shop and every stall to enjoy the colourful scenes. But as the parents find the child lagging behind, they keep shouting for him and the child is alerted. He has to keep moving, lest he is lost in the crowd. Constantly, the parents are monitoring the child because they know the risk of losing the tiny child amidst the crowd that have flocked, to enjoy or carry on their business in the fair.

As is common with kids, this child too, keeps pestering the parents to buy him everything he comes across – the sweets, the flowers, the balloons and all other colourful things he sees displayed in the fair. The child also knows that it is going to be a stern ‘No’ from his parents. So, he keeps moving. At the roundabout, the child is determined to have his share of joy, stubbornly asks his father to allow him a ride on the horse. He realises that his parents are nowhere near. The child is speechless and helpless. Fear overpowers the child and he starts crying, frantically trying to search for his parents. The only words that escape from the child’s choking throat amidst his uncontrollable tears are ‘Mother’, ‘Father’.

A stranger who sees the lost child picks him and tries to pacify him. He offers the child sweets, balloons, flowers, and all the beautiful things that the child had earlier pleaded for. But now, the child doesn’t even look at them and firmly declines as he did not find them attractive any longer. The little boy is seen yearning to be with his dear parents.

A child’s psychology is very effectively portrayed through this simple incident by the author.

A child goes to a fair with his parents. He is happy and excited and wants the sweets and toys displayed there. But his parents don’t buy them for him. Why then, does he refuse when someone else offers them to him? It might probably be because his parents have warned him against accepting things from strangers. Most importantly, it would be because he yearned to be in the safe company of his dear parents.


alleys – passage, pathway, walk

emerged – come into view, become visible

brimming – full of, overflowing

fascinated – enchanted, keen interest

lingering – lasting for a long time

receding – retreat

tyrant – cruel and oppressive leader/person

gaudy – very bright and showy, flashy

intercepting – obstructing

abreast – alongside

teeming – filled with

capers – playful skipping movement

throngs – a densely packed crowd

converging – to meet at a point

whirlpool – swirl

repelled – drive or force back

hawked – carry about and offer for sale

architecture – design, structure, shape

irresistibly – too attractive and tempting

overwhelming – to be overcome by strong emotions

stole (here) – moved or passed into his ears

coarse – rough or unrefined

roundabout – merry-go-round

convulsed – shake uncontrollably, shudder

panic-stricken – to be very frightened

suppressed – forcibly put an end to, control, conquer

congested – overcrowded

jostled – push around, collide

hefty – large, heavy and sturdy

trampled – tread /walk over and crush

surging – increasing/overflowing crowd

soothe – pacify, comfort

reiterated – say something again and again, repeat

disconsolate – unable to console, inconsolable

In Hindi


इस अध्याय में, लेखक अपनी वास्तविकता से दूर भागते बिना एक संवेदनशील तरीके से बच्चे के मनोविज्ञान के साथ सौदों । हम भी दुनिया में हमारे बहुसांस्कृतिक पड़ोस के एक स्वीकार्य भाग के रूप में बड़े हो गए हैं । आनंद अपने सबसे मजबूत पर है जब माता पिता के बिना अपनी दुनिया के साथ बच्चे के क्लासिक टकराव के रिश्ते के बारे में लिख रहा है । युवा वयस्क पाठक अपने परिवार के दायरे में रहने के लिए खोए हुए बच्चे के संघर्ष से पहचान कर सकेंगे, जबकि बाहर अपनी ही दुनिया की खोज करने की कोशिश कर रहे हैं ।


अंग्रेजी में भारतीय लेखक मुल्क राज आनंद भारतीय समाज के चित्रण के लिए जाने जाते हैं । यह सबक, खोया हुआ बच्चा एक भारतीय ग्रामीण गांव को अपने सभी आकर्षण, सादगी और उल्लास के साथ दर्शाया गया है, विशेष रूप से त्योहारी मौसम के दौरान ।

इस सबक का मुख्य विषय बच्चे की पीड़ा और हताशा है जब वह अचानक एक भीड़ में खो दिया है और एहसास होता है कि वह अपने माता पिता की गर्म सुरक्षा नहीं है । बच्चे को माता-पिता द्वारा बसंत ऋतु के दौरान मेले में ले जाया जाता है। वहअपनेचारों ओर मज़ा और भव्यता एसई पर खुशी से भरजाता है । वह हर दुकान और हर स्टॉल पर रुककर रंग-बिरंगे दृश्यों का लुत्फ उठाना चाहते हैं। लेकिन जैसे ही माता-पिता बच्चे को पीछे छोड़ते हुए पाते हैं, वे उसके लिए चिल्लाते रहते हैं और बच्चे को सतर्क कर दिया जाता है । उसे आगे बढ़ते रहना है, कहीं ऐसा न हो कि वह भीड़ में खो जाए । लगातार, माता-पिता बच्चे की निगरानी कर रहे हैं क्योंकि वे मेले में अपने व्यवसाय का आनंद लेने या ले जाने के लिए आते हुए भीड़ के बीच छोटे बच्चे को खोने का जोखिम जानते हैं ।

के रूप में बच्चों के साथ आम है, इस बच्चे को भी, माता पिता तंग रहता है उसे सब कुछ वह भर में आता है खरीदने के लिए-मिठाई, फूल, गुब्बारे और अंय सभी रंगीन बातें वह मेले में प्रदर्शित देखता है । बच्चा यह भी जानता है कि यह उसके माता-पिता से कड़ी ‘ नहीं ‘ होने जा रहा है । इसलिए वह आगे बढ़ता रहता है। गोलचक्कर पर, बच्चे को खुशी के अपने हिस्से के लिए निर्धारित है, हठ अपने पिता से पूछता है उसे घोड़े पर एक सवारी की अनुमति है । उसे एहसास होता है कि उसके माता-पिता कहीं पास नहीं हैं । बच्चा अवाक और असहाय है। डर बच्चे को ओवरपावर करता है और वह रोने लगता है, पागलपन से अपने माता-पिता की तलाश करने की कोशिश करता है । अपने बेकाबू आंसुओं के बीच बच्चे के घुट गले से बचने वाले सिर्फ शब्द ‘ मां ‘, ‘ पिता ‘ हैं ।

एक अजनबी जो खोया हुआ बच्चा देखता है उसे उठाता है और उसे शांत करने की कोशिश करता है । वह बच्चे को मिठाई, गुब्बारे, फूल और उन सभी खूबसूरत चीजों को पेश करता है, जिसकी पहले बच्चे ने वकालत की थी । लेकिन अब, बच्चा उन्हें देखता भी नहीं है और दृढ़ता से गिरावट आती है क्योंकि वह उन्हें अब आकर्षक नहीं पाता था। छोटा लड़का अपने प्यारे माता-पिता के साथ रहने के लिए तड़प रहा है ।

एक बच्चे के मनोविज्ञान बहुत प्रभावी ढंग से लेखक द्वारा इस साधारण घटना के माध्यम से चित्रित किया है ।

एक बच्चा अपने माता-पिता के साथ मेले में जाता है। वह खुश और उत्साहित है और वहां प्रदर्शित मिठाई और खिलौने चाहता है । लेकिन उसके माता-पिता उन्हें उसके लिए नहीं खरीदते । फिर, जब कोई और उन्हें प्रदान करता है तो वह मना क्यों करता है? यह शायद इसलिए हो सकता है क्योंकि उसके माता पिता ने उसे अजनबियों से चीजों को स्वीकार करने के खिलाफ चेतावनी दी है । सबसे महत्वपूर्ण बात यह है कि ऐसा इसलिए होगा क्योंकि वह अपने प्रिय माता-पिता की सुरक्षित कंपनी में रहने के लिए तरस रहा था ।


गलियों – मार्ग, मार्ग, चलना

उभरा – देखने में आओ, दिखाई हो

भरी – से भरा, बह निकला

मोहित – मुग्ध, गहरी रुचि

सुस्त – लंबे समय तक चलने वाला

घटता – पीछे हटना

तानाशाह- क्रूर और दमनकारी नेता/व्यक्ति

भड़कीला – बहुत उज्ज्वल और दिखावे, आकर्षक

अवरोधन – बाधा डालना

बराबर – साथ में

बहुतायत – से भरा

कैपर्स – चंचल लंघन आंदोलन

भीड़ – एक घनी खचाखच भरी भीड़

अभिसरण – एक बिंदु पर मिलने के लिए

भंवर – भंवर

पीछे हटे – ड्राइव या बल वापस

हॉक – के बारे में ले और बिक्री के लिए प्रस्ताव

वास्तुकला – डिजाइन, संरचना, आकार

अनूठा – बहुत आकर्षक और आकर्षक

भारी – मजबूत भावनाओं से उबरने के लिए

चुरा लिया (यहां)-चले गए या उसके कानों में पारित

मोटे – मोटा या अपरिष्कृत

गोलचक्कर – मीरा-गो-राउंड

आक्षेप – हिला बेकाबू, कंपकंपी

दहशत से त्रस्त – बहुत भयभीत होने के लिए

दबा – जबरन एक अंत डाल दिया, नियंत्रण, जीत

भीड़भाड़ – भीड़भाड़

जोस्टल – चारों ओर धक्का, टकराने

मोटी – बड़े, भारी और मजबूत

रौंद दिया-चलना/पर चलना और क्रश

बढ़ती – बढ़ती/भीड़ उमड़ती

शांत – शांत, आराम

दोहराया – बार-बार कुछ कहो, दोहराएं

असंबद्ध – सांत्वना देने में असमर्थ, अशान्ति

What is the summary of the lost child class 9th?

Mulk Raj Anand, an Indian writer in English is well-known for his depiction of the Indian society. The lesson, The Lost Child’ vividly depicts an Indian rural village with all its charm, simplicity and gaiety, especially during the festive season.
The main theme of this lesson is the child’s agony and desperation when he is suddenly lost in a crowd and realises that he doesn’t have the warm protection of his parents. The child is taken by the parents to a fair during spring season. He is filled with joy on seeing the fun and grandeur around him. He wants to stop at every shop and every stall to enjoy the colourful scenes. But as the parents find the child lagging behind, they keep shouting for him and the child is alerted. He has to keep moving, lest he is lost in the crowd. Constantly, the parents are monitoring the child because they know the risk of losing the tiny child amidst the crowd that have flocked, to enjoy or carry on their business in the fair.
As is common with kids, this child too, keeps pestering the parents to buy him everything he comes across – the sweets, the flowers, the balloons and all other colourful things he sees displayed in the fair. The child also knows that it is going to be a stern ‘No’ from his parents. So, he keeps moving. At the roundabout, the child is determined to have his share of joy, stubbornly asks his father to allow him a ride on the horse. He realises that his parents are nowhere near. The child is speechless and helpless. Fear overpowers the child and he starts crying, frantically trying to search for his parents. The only words that escape from the child’s choking throat amidst his uncontrollable tears are ‘Mother’, ‘Father’.
A stranger who sees the lost child picks him and tries to pacify him. He offers the child sweets, balloons, flowers, and all the beautiful things that the child had earlier pleaded for. But now, the child doesn’t even look at them and firmly declines as he did not find them attractive any longer. The little boy is seen yearning to be with his dear parents.
A child’s psychology is very effectively portrayed through this simple incident by the author.
A child goes to a fair with his parents. He is happy and excited and wants the sweets and toys displayed there. But his parents don’t buy them for him. Why then, does he refuse when someone else offers them to him? It might probably be because his parents have warned him against accepting things from strangers. Most importantly, it would be because he yearned to be in the safe company of his dear parents.

What is the message of the story the lost child?

In this chapter, the author deals with the child’s psychology in a sensitive way without shying away from its reality. We, too, have grown up as an accepted part of our multicultural neighbourhood in the world. Anand is at his strongest when writing about the child’s classic confrontational relationship with his world without parents. Young adult readers will be able to identify with the lost child’s struggle to live within his family’s ambit, while trying to discover his own world outside.

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