NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Economics Chapter 2 Sectors of The Indian Economy

Class 10 Economics Chapter 2 Sectors of The Indian Economy

1. Exercise Questions
2. Intext Questions

NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Economics Chapter 2 Sectors of The Indian Economy, in this step-by-step answer guide. In some of State Boards and CBSE schools, students are taught thru NCERT books. As the chapter comes to an end, students are requested few questions in an exercising to evaluate their expertise of the chapter. Students regularly want guidance managing those NCERT Solutions.

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NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Economics Chapter 2 Sectors of The Indian Economy

Class 10 Economics Chapter 2 Sectors of The Indian Economy

Exercise Questions

Q. 1. Fill in the blanks using the correct option given in the bracket :

( i ) Employment in the service sector ……. increased to the same extent as production ( has / has not ) .

( ii ) Workers in the ……. sector do not produce goods ( tertiary / agriculture )

( iii ) Most of the workers in the sector enjoy ……. job security ( organized / unorganized )

( iv ) A ……… proportion of labourers in India are working in the organized sector ( large / small ) .

( v ) Cotton is a …………. product and cloth is a ………. product ( natural / manufactured ) .

( vi ) The activities in primary , secondary and tertiary sectors are ……….. ( independent / interdependent ) .

Ans . ( i ) Employment in the service sector has not increased to the same extent as production .

( ii ) Workers in the tertiary sector do not produce goods .

( iii ) Most of the workers in the organized sector enjoy job security .

( iv ) A large proportion of labourers in India are working in the unorganized sector .

( v ) Cotton is a natural product and cloth is a manufactured product .

( vi ) The activities in primary , secondary and tertiary sectors are interdependent .

Q. 2. Choose the most appropriate answer :

( i ) The sectors are classified into public and private sector on the basis of :

( a ) employment conditions

( b ) the nature of economic activity

( c ) ownership of enterprises

( d ) number of workers employed in the enterprises

( ii ) Production of a commodity , mostly through the natural process , is an activity in ………… sector :

( a ) primary

( b ) secondary

( c ) tertiary

( d ) information

( iii ) GDP is the total value of ………. produced during a particular year :

( a ) all goods and services .

( b ) all final goods and services

( c ) all intermediate goods and services

( d ) all intermediate and final goods and services

( iv ) In terms of GDP the share of tertiary sector in 2013 14 is between percent .

( a ) 20 to 30

( b ) 30 to 40

( c ) 50 to 60

( d ) 60 to 70

Ans . ( i ) ( c ) ownership of enterprises .

( ii ) ( a ) Primary

( ii ) ( b ) all final goods and services .

( iv ) ( d ) 60 to 70

Q. 3. Match the following :

Ans . 1. ( d ), 2. ( b ), 3. ( e ), 4. ( a ), 5. ( c )

Q. 4. Find the odd one out and say why :

( i ) Tourist guide , Dhobi , Tailor , Potter

( ii ) Teacher , Doctor , Vegetable vendor , Lawyer

( iii ) Postman , Cobbler , Soldier , Police constable

( iv ) MTNL , Indian Railways , Air India , Sahara Airlines , All India Radio

Ans . ( i ) Potter , because he relates to the secondary sector .

( ii ) Vegetable vendor , because he is unskilled while others are well skilled workers .

( iii ) Cobbler , because he falls in unorganized sector .

( iv ) Sahara Airlines because this is a private sector company

Q. 5. A research scholar looked at the working people in the city of Surat and found the following :

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Complete the table . What is the percentage of people in the unorganized sector in this city ?

Ans .


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Q. 6. Do you think the classification of economic activities into primary , secondary and tertiary sector is useful ? Explain how ?

Ans . Yes , the classification of economic activities into primary , secondary and tertiary sector is useful . In primary sector we include all those activities which are undertaken by directly using natural resources . For example , cultivation of paddy , wheat etc.

In secondary sector all those activities are included which are engaged in manufacturing of some goods using natural products as raw material . For example cloth from cotton .

In tertiary sector we include services which helps directly or indirectly in the development of secondary and primary sector . Ex . Banking , Insurance , Transport etc.

This criterion is useful as it makes us able to analyse the pattern of total production and employment in India .

Q. 7. For each of the sectors that we came across in this chapter why should one focus on employment and GDP ? Could there be other issues which should be examined ? Discuss .

Ans . For each of the sectors that we came across in this chapter our focus should be on employment and GDP because the growth of GDP and full employment are the common goals for any economy .

The other issues which should be examined are :

( i ) Balanced regional development .

( ii ) To remove poverty and unemployment

( iii ) Modernisation of the technology

( iv ) Equitable distribution of income and wealth .

Q. 8. Make a long list of all kinds of work that you find adults around you doing for a living . In what way can you classify them ? Explain your choice .

Ans . We classify the different kinds of work in which people around us are engaged on the basis of :

( i ) Nature of activity

( ii ) Employment condition

( iii ) Ownership of business units

These activities are as follows :

On the Basis of Nature of Activity :

1. Primary Sector : Agricultural Labourer , Small farmers , Honey collector etc.

2. Secondary Sector : Industrial labour , Potter , Shoe maker , Weaver etc.

3. Tertiary Sector : Teacher , Doctor , Postman , Lawyer , Tailor , Police constable , Clerk in a bank , Driver of local politician .

On the Basis of Employment Condition :

1. Organized : Teacher in a Government School Doctor in a Government Hospital , Government Lawyer , Clerk in bank , People working in a factory , Police constable etc.

2. Unorganized : Agricultural labour , Small scale farmer , Tailor , Potter , Cobbler , Driver of a local politician , Domestic servant , Hawker .

On the Basis of Ownership :

1. Private : Agricultural labour , Small scale farmers , Small scale weavers , Potter , Teacher in a private school , Lawyer , People working in a factory , Shopkeeper etc.

2. Public : Government Teacher , People engaged in Government Companies , Doctor in Government Sector , Police constable , Postman .

Q.9 . How is the tertiary sector different from other sectors ? Illustrate with a few examples .

Ans . Tertiary sector is different from other two sectors . This sector does not produce any goods by itself , but provide services which helps in the development of the primary and secondary sector . For e.g. Transport , Banking Insurance , Storage , Communication etc.

The goods that are produced in other sectors are transported from one place to another by tractors , trucks , trains etc. Goods are stored in the godowns or cold storage to make them available at the time of need . Banking system provides credit facilities to the agriculturist or industrialist .

Thus , this sector plays an important role in the growth and development of these sectors .

Q. 10. What do you understand by disguised unemployment ? Explain with an example each from the urban and rural areas .

Ans . Disguised unemployment is the situation in which people are apparently working but all of them are made to work less than their potential . In such a situation more people are engaged in a work than required .

Example from Rural Area : There are seven people in a family and all are engaged on their agricultural plot . If four of them are withdrawn from that agricultural plot there is no reduction in output . Then these four people are said to be disguisedly unemployed .

Example from Urban Area : This type of unemployment is found if all the members of a family are engaged in their own business and if Mill some of them are withdrawn , there is no reduction in the output or income , this situation is called disguised unemployment .

Q. 11. Distinguish between open unemployment and disguised unemployment .

Ans . Difference between ‘ Disguised Unemployment and Open Unemployment ‘ :

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Q. 12. ” Tertiary sector is not playing any significant role in the development of Indian Economy . ” Do you agree ? Give reasons in support of your answer .

Ans . No , I do not agree with this . Tertiary sector plays a very important role in the development of the economy . Tertiary sector provides services like transport , banking , warehousing , education , health etc , which helps in the development and growth of the other two sectors by increasing the demand of goods and services .

Today , tertiary sector emerged as a large producing sector in India replacing the primary sector . Over the thirty years between 1973 and 2003 , production in all the three sectors has increased , it has increased the most in the tertiary sector .

The primary sector continues to be the largest employer but during 1973-2003 , the rate of growth in employment in tertiary sector was nearly 300 % .

Q. 13. Service sector in India employs two different kinds of people . Who are these ?

Ans . The service sector in India employs the following two kinds of people :

( i ) These are people who may directly help in the production of goods . For example : People engaged in transportation , storage , communication , banking trade etc.

( ii ) These are people who may indirectly help in the production of goods . For example : Teachers , doctors , barbers , cobbler , lawyer .

Q. 14. Workers are exploited in the unorganized sector . Do you agree with this view ? Give reasons in support of your answer .

Ans . Yes , I agree with this view . The reason behind this are :

( i ) Jobs here are low – paid and are often not regular .

( ii ) There is no provision for overtime , paid leave , holidays , leave due to sickness etc.

( iii ) There are rules and regulations but these are not followed .

( iv ) Employment is not secure . People can be asked to leave without any reason .

( v ) There are no fixed working hours . The labourer has to work normally 0-12 hrs without being paid for overtime .

Q. 15. How are the activities in the economy classified on the basis of employment conditions ?

Ans . ( i ) On the basis of employment conditions , the activities in the economy can be classified in two sectors i.e. , organized sector and unorganized sector .

Organized Sector : This sector includes those enterprises which are registered by the government and they have to follow government rules and regulations . People working in this sector get regular monthly wages and extra payment for extra work .

Example : Reliance Industries Ltd. , Government School .

Unorganized Sector : This sector includes those enterprises which are not registered . There are rules and regulations but these are not followed . There is no fixed wages and no other benefits other than wages . It includes small and scattered units which are largely outside the control of the do government , for example : Agricultural labour , casual workers , shopkeepers , etc.

Q. 16. Compare the employment conditions prevailing in the organized and unorganized sectors .

Ans .


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Q. 17. Explain the objective of implementing the NREGA 2005 .

Ans . The objective of implementing NREGA 2005 ( National Rural Employment Guarantee Act ) is to provide the ‘ Right to Work ‘ . Its main features are :

( i ) All those who are able to and are in need of work , have been guaranteed 100 days of employment in a year by the government .

( ii ) One – third of the proposed jobs were reserved for women .

( iii ) If government fails to provide employment , it will give unemployment allowances to the people .

( iv ) Preference is given to those jobs , which in future would help to increase the production from land .

Q. 18. Using examples from your area , compare and contrast the activities and functions of private and public sector .

Ans . Comparison between the activities and functions of private and public sector :

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Q. 19. Discuss and fill the following table giving one example each from your area .

Ans .

Q. 20. Give a few examples of public sector activities and explain why the government has taken them up .

Ans . These may be as follows :

( i ) Railways : The government has taken it up because it requires a huge sum of investment and have a long gestation period government has taken it up . To ensure easier and cheap availability of transportation .

( ii ) All India Institute of Medical Science ( AIIMS ) : to provide quality health and medical services at cheap rate the government has taken it up .

( iii ) National Thermal Power Corporation ( NTPC ) Ltd. : Providing electricity at lower rate than the actual cost was the main objective of the government . This is done to protect and encourage the private sector especially small scale industries .

Q.21 . Explain how public sector contributes to the economic development of a nation .

Ans . Public sector contributes to the economic development of a nation in the following ways :

( i ) By creating employment opportunity , government helps in removing unemployment .

( ii ) It brings improvement in income and wealth with the help of taxation policy and subsidies .

( iii ) Government helps in balanced regional growth by encouraging the private sector to establish firms in the backward areas and also through the public sector

( iv ) It improves financial resources for development .

( v ) It ensures easily availability of goods and services at cheaper rate .

( vi ) It promotes rapid economic development through the creation and expansion of infrastructure .

( vii ) It encourages development of small and cottage industries .

( viii ) It controls private monopolies through the application of rules and regulations .

Q.22 . The workers in the unorganized sector need protection on the following issues :

Wages , Safety and Health . Explain with examples .

Ans . Wages : In unorganized sector , workers get very low wages and there is no fixed working hours : for them . There is no job security and they can be asked to leave the job anytime without any reason . They get no other allowance . They are financially poor , so they need protection .

Safety : Workers in the unorganized sector are working under very hazardous condition like workers in crackers – industries . So they need protection .

Health : Labours under unorganized sector are paid very low , so they are unable to get nutritious food and also unable to take expensive medical aid due to low wages . So they need protection .

Q. 23. A study in Ahmedabad found that out of 15,00,000 workers in the city 11,00,000 worked in the unorganized sector . The total income of the city in this year ( 1997-98 ) was ₹ 60,000 million . Out of this ₹ 32,000 million was generated in the organized sector . Present this data as a table . What kind of ways should be thought for generating Q more employment in the city ?

Ans . Income and Employment in the organized and unorganized Sector in Ahmedabad ( 1997-98 )


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The following ways should be thought for be generating more employment in the city .

( i ) To identify , promote and locate industries and services in semi – rural areas where a large number of people may be employed .

( ii ) Labour intensive technique should be adopted in place of capital intensive technique .

( iii ) Encourage tourism , regional craft industry to create more jobs .

( iv ) Emphasis should be laid on vocational education of the students , so that they could be self employed .

( v ) Development of small and cottage industries should be encouraged .

Q. 24. The following table gives the GDP in rupees ( crore ) by the three sectors


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( i ) Calculate the share of the three sectors in GDP for 2000 and 2013 .

( ii ) Show the data as a bar diagram similar to graph in the chapter .

( iii ) What conclusions can we draw from the bar A graph ?

Ans ( i ) Share of the three sectors in GDP for 2000 =

= ( 52,000 + 48,500 + 1,33,500 )

= 2,34,000 crores

% Share of primary sector

= 52,000 / 2,34,000 × 100 = 22.22 %

% Share or secondary sector

48,500 / 2,34,000 × 100 = = 20.72 %

% Share of three Sector

= 1,33,500 / 2,34,000 × 100 = 57 %

( ii ) Presentation of data in Bar graph

Share of the three sectors in GDP for 2013

Total GDP : ( 8,00 , 500 + 10,74,000 + 38,68,000 )

= 57,42,500 crores

% Share of primary sector

= ( 8,00,500 / 57,42,500 × 100 ) = 13.93 %

% Share of secondary sector

= 10,74,000 / 57,42,500 x 100 = 18.70 %

% Shape of Tertiary sectors

= 38,68,000 / 57,42,500 x 100 = 67.355 %

( iii ) Conclusions that can be drawn :

( a ) Share of Primary sector has decreased from 2000 to 2013 .

( b ) Share of Secondary Sector has also decreased from 2000 to 2013 .

( c ) Share of Tertiary Sector has increased from 2000 to 2013 .

Intext Questions

Q.1 . Compute the table to show how sectors are dependent on one another .

Examples of Economic Activities


What does this show

Imagine what would happen if farmers refuse to sell sugarcane to a particular sugar mill . The mill will have to shut down .

This is an example of the Secondary or Industrial sector being dependent on the Primary .

Imagine what would happen to cotton cultivation if companies decide not to buy from the Indian market and import all cotton they need from other countries . Indian cotton cultivation will become less profitable and the farmers may even go bankrupt , if they cannot quickly switch to other crops . Cotton prices will fall .


Farmers buy many goods such as tractors , pumpsets , electricity , pesticides and fertilizers . Imagine what would happen if the price of fertilizers or pumpsets go up . Cost of cultivation of the farmers will rise and their profits will be reduced .


People working in industrial and service sector need food . Imagine what would happen if there is a strike by transporters and lorries refuse to take vegetables , milk , etc from rural areas . Food will become scarce in urban areas whereas farmers will be unable to sell their products .


[ Let’s work these out , Page 21 ]

Ans .


What does this show

Imagine what would happen if farmers refuse to sell sugarcane to a particular sugar mill . The mill will have to shut down .

This is an example of the Secondary or Industrial sector being dependent on the Primary .

Imagine what would happen to cotton cultivation if companies decide not to buy from the Indian market and import all cotton they need from other countries . Indian cotton cultivation will become less profitable and the farmers may even go bankrupt , if they cannot quickly switch to other crops . Cotton prices will fall .

This is an example of the secondary or industrial sector being dependent on the primary .

Farmers buy many goods such as tractors , pumpsets , electricity , pesticides and fertilizers . Imagine what would happen if the price of fertilizers or pumpsets go up . Cost of cultivation of the farmers will rise and their profits will be reduced .

This shows that the primary sector depends on secondary sector .

People working in industrial and service sector need food . Imagine what would happen if there is a strike by transporters and lorries refuse to take vegetables , milk , etc from rural areas . Food will become scarce in urban areas whereas farmers will be unable to sell their products .

This shows the inter – dependence of one on another . Secondary and Tertiary sector depends on primary sector for food and primary sector depends on tertiary sector .

Q. 2. Explain the difference between primary , secondary and tertiary sectors using examples other than those mentioned in the text . [ Let’s work these out , Page 21 ]

Ans . Primary Sector : It includes all those activities that are undertaken by directly using the natural resources .

For Example : cultivation of wheat , taking rubber from rubber plant .

Secondary Sector : This sector includes all those activities which use the primary products and change them into other forms through manufacturing .

For example : We manufacture paper from bamboo plant , shoes from the skin of animals .

Tertiary Sector : This includes those activities that help in the development of the primary and secondary sectors .

For example : Railways , Banking , Warehouses , Lawyer , Doctor etc.

Q. 3. Classify the following list of occupations under primary , secondary and tertiary sectors :

Tailor , Basket Weaver , Flower cultivator , Milk vendor , Fisherman , Priest , Courier , Workers in match factory , Money Lender , Gardener , Potter , Bee – keeper , Astronaut , Call Centre Employee . [ Let’s work these out , Page 21 ]

Ans . Primary Sector : Flower cultivator , Fishermen , Gardener , Beekeeper .

Secondary Sector : Basket weaver , Workers in match factory , Potter .

Tertiary Sector : Tailor , Milk Vendor , Priest , Courier , Money Lender , Astronaut , Call Centre Employee .

Q.4 . Students in a school are often classified into primary and secondary or junior and senior . What is the criterion that is used ? Do you think this is a useful classification ? Discuss . [ Let’s work these out , Page 21 ]

Ans . ( i ) The criterion that is used in classification of stu dents in junior and senior is the level of education .

( ii ) Yes , the criterion is a useful classification .

Primary Education : By 1960 our constitution had directed the state to provide free education to all the children aged below 14. This falls under primary education . This is a compulsory education .

Secondary Education : Secondary education prepares the students to enter into the higher education as well as for work .

Q.5 . What does the history of developed countries indicate about the shifts that have taken place between sectors ? [ Let’s work these out , Page 23 ]

Ans . The history of developed countries indicates that in the primary stage of development , primary sector was the most important sector of economic activity . With the changed method of farming , agriculture sector produced much more food than before and many people could now take up other activities . Due to this buying and selling , activities which we were doing for more than 100 years before factories came up , started increasing with the introduction of new techniques or methods of production . Many people shifted from agriculture sector to industrial sector / secondary sector and thus , importance of the sectors had changed .

In the past 100 years , there had been further shift from secondary sector to tertiary sector in developed countries . Now , tertiary sector has become more important than other two sectors . in terms of employment as many people started serving under the tertiary sector as shopkeeper , barber , lawyer , doctor , transporter , banker etc. and they were also providing essential and basic services to the primary that secondary sector that helped them in their development .

Thus , in developed countries secondary and tertiary sector are more important than primary sector in terms of output and employment both .

Q.6 Correct and arrange the important aspects for calculating GDP from this jumble :

To count goods and services we add the numbers that are produced . We count all those that was produced in the last five years . Since we shouldn’t leave out anything , we add up all these goods and services . [ Let’s work these out , Page 21 ]

Ans . To calculate the GDP , we count the value of all final goods and services that were produced in each sector during a particular year . Since we shouldn’t leave out anything we add up the production of each sector .

Q. 7 Answer the following questions by looking at the graph :

( i ) Which was the largest producing sector in 1973-74 ?

( ii ) Which is the largest producing sector in 2013-14 ?

( iii ) Can you say which sector has grown the most over 40 years ?

( iv ) What was the GDP of India in 2013-14 ?

Ans . ( i ) Primary sector .

( ii ) Tertiary sector .

( iii ) The Tertiary sector has grown the most over 40 years .

( iv ) The total GDP was about ₹ 5,500,000 crore . [ Let’s work these out , Page 24 ]

Q . 8 Complete the table using the data given in Graphs 2 and 3 , answer the question that follows .

Graph 2 : Share of Sectors in GDP ( % )

Graphs 3 : Share in GDP Share in Employment ( % )

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What are the changes that you observe in the primary sector over a span of 40 years ? [ Let’s work these out , Pages 27 ]

While the share of Primary sector in GDP has reduced drastically from 39 % to 12 % , the share of employment has reduced by a much lesser amount , from 74 % to 49 % .

Q. 9. Choose the correct answer .

Under employment occurs when people :

( i ) do not want work

( ii ) are working in a lazy manner

( iii ) are working less than what they are capable of doing

( iv ) are not paid for their work . [ Let’s Work these out , Page 47 ]

Ans . ( iii ) are working less than what they are capable of doing .

Q. 10 . Compare and contrast the changes in India with the pattern that was observed for developed countries . What kind of changes between sectors were desired but did not happen in India ? [ Let’s work these out , Page 27 ]

Ans . Comparison and contrast of the developmental changes in India with the developed countries are :

India Developed Countries At initial stages , primary sector was the most important sector in both the terms i.e , employment and production . 1. At the initial stage of development , primary sector was the most important sector both in terms of employment and production . 2. With the development of the economy , sec ondary sector gradually became the most important than the primary sector both in employment and production . India did not follow this pattern secondary sector has not become the most important sector either in production or in employment . 3. When the country is at higher level of devel opment , the share of service sector in GDP and employment is maximum . By the year 2003 , share in GDP of the tertiary sector be came more than 50 % , but in terms of employment most of the workers are still working in primary sector i.e. 61 %

It was desired that with the development of the economy , secondary sector would become the most important sector but tertiary sector replaced the secondary sector . It was also desired that the share of secondary and service sector would increase to the maximum in employment , but it also did not happen in India .

Q. 11. Why should we be worried about under employment ? [ Let’s work these out , Page 27 ]

Ans . Underemployment is a situation in which more people are engaged than they are needed . So even , if they are removed , production will not be affected . Under employment is a harmful situation for a country and its economy . Someone without work and sitting idle may be dangerous for the society and as well as for a country because it is a popular saying that empty mind is devil’s workshop . Hence , we should be worried about underemployment .

Q. 12. What groups of people do you think are unemployed at underemployed in your area ? Can you think of some measures that could be taken up for them ? [ Let’s work these out , Page 28 ]

Ans . At present there are no opportunities for graduates and post graduates in service sector hence there is a problem of unemployment in service sector ; In agriculture sector more people are engaged than required , hence there is a problem of underemployment in agriculture sector .

We have to create employment opportunities with the help of government and banks by providing irrigation facilities , by making new roads in villages and connecting them with cities , so that more people can be indulged in various agricultural activities and other works like transportation , repairing work , diary , fishing etc.

Q. 13. Why do you think NREGA – 2005 is referred to as ” Right to Work ‘ ? [ Let’s work these out , Page 29 ]

Ans . NREGA – 2005 programme assures every rural household for a guaranteed 100 days of employment in a year and if government fails to provide employment then it will give unemployment allowance to the worker . So it clearly indicates the ‘ Right to work ‘

Q. 14. Imagine that you are the village head . In that capacity suggest some activities that you think should be taken up under the act that would also increase the income of the people . Discuss . [ Let’s work these out , page 29 ]

Ans . The following measures should be taken up under this act that would also increase the income of people .

( i ) Irrigation facilities should be enhanced . This could lead to a lot of employment generation within the agriculture and it will reduce the problem of under employment .

( ii ) Village roads should be constructed . It provides employment to the farmers in off – season and also provides facilities for the storage of crops .

( iii ) Provide cheap agricultural credit through the local bank for farming to improve condition of the farmers .

( iv ) Encourage farmers to adopt new methods of agriculture .

( v ) To identify , promote and locate industries and services in semi – rural areas whereby a large number of people may be employed .

Q. 15. How would income and employment increase if farmers were provided with irrigation and marketing facilities ? [ Let’s work these out , Page . 29 ]

Ans . Irrigation Facilities : With the improvement and development of irrigation facilities it is possible for the farmers to grow more than one crop in a year . As we grow more crops more employment and income will be generated on the same piece of land .

Marketing Facilities : Marketing facilities include storing facilities , transporting facilities and information regarding market conditions . With such facilities farmers will be able to grow more crops and sell them . Better storage facility enables them to store crops and sell them when the price is good . Market information helps them to take decision as to which crop they should grow and when to sell it . Such facilities would increase employment and income of the people engaged not only in agriculture sector but also in service sector like transport , trade , warehousing etc.

Q. 16 . In what ways can employment be increased in urban areas ? [ Let’s work these out , Page 29 ]

Ans . Employment in urban areas can be increased in the following ways :

( i ) Development of small and cottage industries should be encouraged .

( ii ) There is urgent need to completely change education policy in the country . Emphasis should be laid on vocational education .

( iii ) Labour – intensive technique of production should be adopted .

( iv ) The problem of power supply , raw material and transportation should be removed so that industries produce to their full capacity .

( v ) To explore the employment opportunities in tourism , handicrafts or new services like IT ( Information Technology ) .

Q. 17. Look at the following examples . Which of these are unorganized sector activities ? [ Let’s work these out , Page 31 ]

( i ) A teacher taking classes in a school .

( ii ) A headload worker carrying a bag of cement on his back in a market .

( iii ) A farmer irrigating his field .

( iv ) A doctor in a hospital treating a patient .

( v ) A daily wage labourer working under a contractor .

( vi ) A factory worker going to work in a big factory .

( vii ) A handloom weaver working in her house ,

Ans . ( ii ) , ( iii ) , ( v ) and ( viii ) are the examples of unorganized sector activities .

Q. 18. Talk to someone who has a regular job in the organized sector and another who works in the unorganized sector . Compare and contrast their working condition in all aspects . [ Let’s work these out , Page 31 ]

Ans . Generally , after talking with a person engaged in organized sector and with a person of unorganized sector we come to the following conclusion :

Q.19 . How would you distinguish between organized and unorganized sectors ? Explain in your own words . [ Let’s work these out , Page 31 ]

Ans . Difference between organized sector and unorganized sector .

Q . 20. The Table below shows the estimated number of workers in India in the organized and unorganized sectors . Read the table carefully . Fill in the missing data and answer the questions that follows :


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( i ) What is the percentage of people in the organized sector in agriculture ?

( ii ) Do you agree that agriculture is an unorganized sector activity ? Why ?

( iii ) If we look at the country as a whole , we find that _______ % of the workers in India are in the unorganized sector . Organized sector employment is available to only about _______ % of the workers in India . [ Let’s work these out , Page 31 ]

Ans . ( i ) it is only 17.26 %

( ii ) Yes , I agree . The table above easily makes a comparison and shows how the agriculture is an unorganized sector activity . Normally in Agriculture , the farmers are not assured about the return and also it is not covered under the scheme initiated by the government to provide them with minimum wages and security in terms of work .

( iii ) 82.43 % , 17.26 % .

Q . 21. What was the most important conclusion that was derived from the classification exercises ? What were the problems and solutions that were indicated ? Can you summarize the information in the following table ?


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Ans . Classify Economy Activities

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  3. Use the cbsestudyguru learning app to start learning to successfully pass the exam. Provide complete teaching materials, including resolved and unresolved tasks.
  4. It is important to clear all your doubts before the exam with your teachers or Alex (an Al study Bot). 
  5. When you read or study a chapter, write down algorithm formulas, theorems, etc., and review them quickly before the exam.
  6. Practice an ample number of question papers to make your concepts stronger. 
  7. Take rest and a proper meal.  Don’t stress too much. 

Why opt for cbsestudyguru NCERT Solutions for Class 10 ? 

  • cbsestudyguru provide NCERT Solutions for all subjects at your fingertips.
  • These solutions are designed by subject matter experts and provide solutions to every NCERT textbook questions. 
  • cbsestudyguru especially focuses on making learning interactive, effective and for all classes.
  • We provide free NCERT Solutions for class 10 and all other classes.

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