NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Science Chapter 15 Improvement in Food Resources

NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Science Chapter 15 Improvement in Food Resources

1. Exercise Questions
2. Intext Questions

NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Science Chapter 15 Improvement in Food Resources on this step-by-step Improvement in Food Resources answer guide. In some of State Boards and CBSE schools, students are taught thru NCERT books. As the chapter comes to an end, students are requested few questions in an exercising to evaluate their knowledge of the chapter. Students regularly want guidance dealing with those NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Science Chapter 15 Improvement in Food Resources.

It’s most effective natural to get stuck withinside the exercises while solving them so that you could assist students rating better marks, we have provided grade by grade NCERT answers for all exercises of Class 9 Science Improvement in Food Resources so you can be searching for assist from them. Students have to solve those exercises carefully as questions withinside the very last exams are requested from those so these exercises at once have an impact on students’ final score. Find all NCERT Solutions for Class nine Science Improvement in Food Resources below and prepare for your tests easily.

NCERT Solution Class 9

Chapter 15: Improvement in Food Resources  

Exercise Questions

Q. 1. Explain any one method of crop production which ensures high yield .

Ans . ( i ) Inter – cropping is one of the methods of crop production that ensures high yield .

( ii ) It is the method of growing two or more varieties of crops on the same land in a definite pattern . These crops have different nutrient requirements .

( iii ) Inter – cropping helps in preventing pests and diseases to spread through the field .

( iv ) It also increases soil fertility , whereas crop rotation prevents soil depletion , increases soil fertility , and reduces soil erosion .

Q. 2 . Why are manure and fertilisers used in fields ?

Ans . ( i ) Manures and fertilisers are used in field to supply plant nutrients to the soil which increases soil fertility in order to ensure good vegetative growth that results in high crop production .

( ii ) Manure helps in riching soil with nutrients and organic matter and increasing soil fertility . The bulk of organic matter in manure helps in improving the soil structure .

( iii ) Fertilizers are used to ensure good vegetative growth ( leaves , branches and flowers ) , giving rise to healthy plants by providing specific nutrients like nitrogen , phosphorus and potassium .

Q. 3. What are the advantages of Inter – cropping and crop rotation ?

Ans . ( i ) Advantages of inter – cropping :

( a ) Better use of growth resources including light . nutrients and water .

( b ) It suppresses the weed and its effect .

( c ) Reduced plant and disease’s incidence

( d ) It yields stability and ecological stability , i.e. , improvement of soil health and agro ecosystem ,

( e ) Physical support of one crop to another and home gardening leading to a more piriform food supply is a good example of realisation of inter cropping advantages .

( ii ) Advantages of crop rotations

( a ) There is an overall increase in the yield of crops due to maintenance of proper physical condition of the soil and its own content .

( b ) It helps in saving on nitrogenous fertilisers , because leguminous plants grown during the rotation of crops can fix atmospheric nitrogen in the soil with the help of nitrogen fixing bacteria .

Q. 4 . What is genetic manipulation ? How is it useful in agricultural practices ?

Ans . ( i ) Plant breeding or hybridisation method that involves crossing two different plant varieties to obtain a new and better variety is called genetic manipulation .

( ii ) In agricultural practices to reduce the application of insecticides and fungicides or even fertilizers such varieties are being prepared that are : high yielding , pest resistant , resistant to environmental stress , don’t need fertilizers for good growth .

( iii ) All of these features help not only to improve quality and quantity of products , but also reduces chances of environmental pollution .

Q. 5 . How do storage grain losses occur ?

Ans . During the storage of grains both biotic and abiotic factors cause losses to the grain . Biotic factors such as insects , rodents , mites , fungi , bacteria , etc. and various abiotic factors such as moisture , temperature , lack of sunlight , etc. are responsible for losses of grains . These factors cause loss in weight , degradation in quality and poor germinability .

Q. 6. How do good animal husbandry practices benefit farmers ? [ NCERT Ex . Q. 6 , Page 215 ]

Ans . Cattle farming is one of the methods of animal husbandry that is most beneficial for farmers .

Good animal husbandry produces :

( i ) draught animals that are engaged in agricultural fields for labour work such as irrigation , tilling , carling , etc. These animals make the work easy for farmers .

( ii ) animals of better – breeds .

Q. 7. What are the benefits of cattle farming ?

Ans . ( i ) Cattle farming is the process of raising cattle from birth until they provide food or milk for consumption .

( ii ) Benefits of cattle farming are as follows :

( a ) It produces good quality and quantity of milk .

( b ) Draught labour animals can be produced for agricultural work .

( c ) New variety that are resistant to diseases can be produced by crossing two varieties with the desired traits .

Q. 8. For increasing production , what is common in poultry , fisheries and bee – keeping ?

Ans . The common factor for increasing production in poultry , fisheries and bee – keeping are :

( i ) Following proper management techniques .

( ii ) Regular cleaning of farms .

( iii ) Maintenance of temperature .

( iv ) Prevention and cure of diseases .

Q.9 . How do you differentiate between capture fishing , mariculture and aquaculture ?

Ans . ( i ) Capture fishing is the method of obtaining fishes from natural resources ( both marine and fresh water environments ) .

( ii ) Mariculture is the process in which maring plants and animals are cultured for their commercial use .

( iii ) Aquaculture involves the production of aquatic animals that are of high economic value such as prawns , lobsters , fishes , crabs , etc. [ 1 ]

Intext Questions

Page 204

Q. 1. What do we get from cereals , pulses , fruits and vegetables ? [ NCERT Q. 1 , Page 204 ]

Ans . ( i ) Cereals provide us with carbohydrates which supply energy to body .

( ii ) Pulses serve us with proteins which are the building blocks of our body .

( iii ) Fruits and vegetables are rich source of vitamins and minerals . A small amount of proteins , carbo hydrates and fats are also present in them .

Page 205

Q. 2. How do biotic and abiotic factors affect crop production ? [ NCERT Q.1 , Page 205 ]

Ans . Factors that are to be blamed for the loss of grains at the time of storage and production are :

( i ) Biotic factors such as rodents , pests , insects , etc. , reduces the crop production .

( ii ) Abiotic factors such as temperature , humidity , moisture , etc. , affect the net crop production . For example , drought and floods have a great impact on crops sometimes , destroying the entire crop .

( iii ) Cumulative effects of biotic and abiotic combinations are insects ‘ infestation , reduction in weight , low – germination capability , poor quality , discolouration , etc.

Q. 3. What are the desirable agronomic characteristics for crop improvements ? [ NCERT Q. 2. Page 205 ]

Ans . Desirable agronomic characteristics in crop plants helps to give higher yield .

These characters are as follows :

( i ) Height and excessive branching : They are ideal traits for fodder crops .

( ii ) Dwarfism : It is the desired character in cere als so that less nutrients are consumed by these crops .

Page 206

Q. 4. What are macro – nutrients and why are they called macro – nutrients ? [ NCERT Q. 1 , Page 206 ]

Ans . ( i ) Macro – nutrients are the necessary elements which are required in large amount . These nutrients are used by vegetation in sufficient quantities .

( ii ) Since they are required in very large amounts , therefore they are appropriately called as macro nutrients .

( iii ) Examples The six macronutrients required by plants are nitrogen , phosphorous , potassium , calcium , magnesium and sulphur .

Q. 5. How do plants get nutrients ? [ NCERT Q.2 , Page 206 ]

Ans . Plants get nutrients through soil , water and air . There are 16 nutrients essential for plants . Of these , air supplies carbon and oxygen . Hydro gen is obtained from water . Soil supplies the remaining 13 nutrients ( macronutrients and micronutrients ) to plants .

Page 207

Q. 6. Compare the use of manure and fertilisers in maintaining soil fertility : [ NCERT Q.1 . Page 207 ]

Ans . ( i ) Manures are organic in nature whereas fertilisers are inorganic in nature .

( ii ) Manures increases soil fertility by enriching the soil with organic matter and nutrients as it pre pared by the decomposition of animal excrete and plant wastes . While fertilisers are inorganic compounds whose excessive use is harmful to the symbiotic micro – organisms living in soil . So , they are preferred only for short period of time

Page 208

Q. 7 . Which of the following conditions will give the most benefits ? Why ?

( a ) Farmers use high – quality seeds , do not adopt irrigation or use fertilisers .

( b ) Farmers use ordinary seeds , adopt irrigation and use fertilizer .

( c ) Farmers use quality seeds , adopt irrigation , use fertilizer and use crop protection measures . [ NCERT Q.1 . Page 208 ]

Ans . Option ( c ) will give maximum benefits because good quality of seeds , proper irrigation and use of fertilisers is very helpful for the growth of plants and crop protection measures are essen tial for the high yielding of the crops

Page 209

Q. 8. Why should preventive measures and biologi cal control methods be preferred for protecting crops ? [ NCERT Q. 1 , Page 209 ]

Ans . Sometimes crops are very much affected or destroyed by the weeds , insects , pests and disease . For example ,

( i ) Weeds compete for food , space and light . They use the nutrients from the soil and reduce the growth of crop . [ 1 ]

( ii ) Insects and pests affect the health of the crop and reduce its yield .

( iii ) The pathogens like bacteria , virus and fungi cause the disease in the plant . Therefore , they must controlled by using suitable preventive measures .

Q. 9. What factors may be responsible for losses of grains during storage ? [ NCERT Q.2 , Page 209 ]

Ans . ( i ) During the storage of grains both biotic and abiotic factors causes losses to the grain .

( ii ) Biotic factors such as insects ‘ rodents , mites , fungi , bacteria , etc. and various about actors such as moisture , temperature , lack of sunlight , etc. are responsible for losses of grains .

( iii ) These factors cause loss in weight , degradation and quality and poor germinability

Page 210

Q. 10 . Which method is commonly used for improv ing cattle breeds and why ? [ NCERT Q.1 , Page 210 ]

Ans . ( i ) Cross breeding method is continuously used for improving cattle breeds , is a process of the mating of two animals that are different breeds within the same species .

( ii ) Cross breeding between two good varieties of cattle will produce a new improved variety . For example , cross breed between foreign breeds such as Jersey Brown , Swiss and Indian breeds such as red Sindhi Sahiwal produces a new variety having qualities of both the breeds .

Page 211

Q. 11. Discuss the implications of the following statement :

” It is interesting to note that poultry is India’s most efficient converter of low fibre food staff ( which is unfit for human consumption ) into highly nutritious animal protein food . ” [ NCERT Q.1 , Page 211 – I ]

Ans . ( i ) The main objective of poultry farming is to raise domestic fowl for eggs and meat .

( ii ) These fowls can efficiently convert low – quality fibrous food material , which cannot be consumed by humans , into an animal protein food that is highly nutritious .

( iii ) Low – fibre foods can be used as a feed for poultry , which in turn , is converted into superior quality of meat , eggs , feathers and manure rich

in nutrients . Thus , poultry converts low – fibre food into a nutrient – rich animal protein food .

Q.12 . What management practices are common in dairy and poultry farming ? [ NCERT Q. 1 , Page 211 – II ]

Ans . Management practices common in dairy and poultry farming are :

( i ) Supply of specific and balanced nutritional requirement .

( ii ) Maintenance of proper shelter and their regular cleaning .

( iii ) Protection from pests and diseases and animals should be kept in spacious and well – ventilated space .

Q. 13. What are the differences between broilers and layers and in their management ? [ NCERT Q.2 Page 211 – II ]

Ans . Differences between broilers and layers and in their management , are given in table below .


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Page 213

Q.14 . How are fish obtained ? [ NCERT Q 1 , Page 213 – I ]

Ans . ( i ) Fishes can be obtained in two ways- Natural and Artificial . Natural process is called capture fishery and artificial process is called culture fishery .

( ii ) Capture Fishery is the process of obtaining fish from natural resources , whereas culture fishery is a practice of farming fishes . In a culturing method , farming can be done in both fresh water ecosystems and marine ecosystem .

Q. 15 . What are the advantages of composite fish culture ? [ NCERT Q.2 Page 213 – I ]

Ans . ( i ) Composite fish culture is a culture process wherein only a selective species of fishes is raised in a single fish pond . As a result of composite fish culture , the survival rate and their yield also Increase .

( ii ) These species are selected in such a way that they don’t have to compete for their feed and this is done by choosing species having different food habits . Ultimately , food will be evenly exhausted in the pond .

( iii ) Example : Catla fish feed on surface , rohus find its food in the middle zone of the pond , mrigals and common carps feed on the bottom and grass carps cat weeds and therefore together they can consume all food in the pond without having to compete with each other . This drastically improves the fish yield from each pond .

Q. 16. What are the desirable characters of bee varieties suitable for honey production ? [ NCERT Q.1 Page 213 – II ]

Ans . The desirable characters of bee varieties suit able for honey production are :

( i ) They should be able to obtain a huge quantity of honey .

( ii ) They should remain a particular beehive for longer period of time .

( iii ) They should have a high breeding capacity and breed very well .

( iv ) They should possess high immunity to diseases .

Q. 17. What is pasturage and how is it related to honey production ? [ NCERT Q.1 , Page 213 – II ]

Ans . ( i ) Pasturage means the flowers that are in store for the bees , from where they can obtain their nectar and pollen .

( ii ) Apart from the quantities of the pasturage , the type of flowers in availability also determines the taste of the honey to a greater extent .

Benefits of NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Science Chapter 15 Improvement in Food Resources

NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Science Chapter 15 Improvement in Food Resources contains extremely important points, and for each chapter, each concept has been simplified to make it easier to remember and increase your chances of achieving excellent exam results. Exam Preparation References Here are some tips on how these solutions can help you prepare for the exam.

  1. This helps students solve many of the problems in each chapter and encourages them to make their concepts more meaningful.
  2. NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Science Chapter 15 Improvement in Food Resources encourage you to update your knowledge and refine your concepts so that you can get good results in the exam.
  3. These NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Science Chapter 15 Improvement in Food Resources are the best exam materials, allowing you to learn more about your week and your strengths. To get good results in the exam, it is important to overcome your weaknesses.
  4. Most of the questions in the exam are formulated in a similar way to NCERT textbooks. Therefore, students should review the solutions in each chapter in order to better understand the topic.
  5. It is free of cost.

Tips & Strategies for Class 9 Exam Preparation

  1. Plan your course and syllabus and make time for revision
  2. Please refer to the NCERT solution available on the cbsestudyguru website to clarify your concepts every time you prepare for the exam.
  3. Use the cbsestudyguru learning app to start learning to successfully pass the exam. Provide complete teaching materials, including resolved and unresolved tasks.
  4. It is important to clear all your doubts before the exam with your teachers or Alex (an Al study Bot). 
  5. When you read or study a chapter, write down algorithm formulas, theorems, etc., and review them quickly before the exam.
  6. Practice an ample number of question papers to make your concepts stronger. 
  7. Take rest and a proper meal.  Don’t stress too much. 

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