Class 10 Science Term 2 Sample Paper 2022 (Unsolved)

Science Term 2 Sample Paper 2022 (Unsolved)

Class 10 Science Term 2 Sample Paper 2022, (Science) exams are Students are taught thru NCERT books in some of the state board and CBSE Schools. As the chapter involves an end, there is an exercise provided to assist students to prepare for evaluation. Students need to clear up those exercises very well because the questions inside the very last asked from those.

Sometimes, students get stuck inside the exercises and are not able to clear up all of the questions. To assist students, solve all of the questions, and maintain their studies without a doubt, we have provided a step-by-step NCERT Sample Question Papers for the students for all classes. These answers will similarly help students in scoring better marks with the assist of properly illustrated Notes as a way to similarly assist the students and answer the questions right.

Class 10 Science Term 2 Sample Paper 2022

General Instructions:

(i) All questions are compulsory.

(ii) The question paper has three sections and 15 questions.

(iii) Section – A has 7 questions of 2 marks each; Section – B has 6 questions of 3 marks each; and Section – C has 2 case based questions of 4 marks each.

(iv) Internal choices have been provided in some questions. A student has to attempt only one of the alternatives in such questions.

Section – A

1. Write the molecular formula of the following compounds and draw their electron-dot structures:          [2]

(a) Ethane

(b) Ethene

2. Elements have been arranged in the following sequence on the basis of their increasing atomic masses.        [2]

E Na, Mg, Al, Si, PS, CI, Ar, K

(a) Pick two sets of elements which have similar properties.

(b) The given sequence represents which law of classification of elements?         [2]

3. Reproduction is one of the biological processes that are commonly carried out by an organism. In fact, the ability to reproduce is one of the major characteristics of a living organism. There are two major modes of reproduction : sexual and asexual. The given diagram represents a mode of reproduction, wherein a cell divides to produce two identical cells.           [2]

(a) Name the organism that divides by the above process. State the type of reproduction.

(b) How the above process is different from multiple fission?

4. In biology class, a teacher taught his student about male reproductive part. He taught that tail.        [2]

(a) What is the role of the long tail?

(b) How are the sperms delivered from the site of their production?

5. In an experiment, Mendel obtained 1014 plants out of which 787 were having round seeds and 227 had wrinkled seeds in F2 generation.         [2]

(a) What is the approximate ratio obtained in F2- generation? Under which law of Mendel do you find this ratio?

(b) Why is this law so called?


Name the plant Mendel used for his experiment. What type of progeny was obtained by Mendel in F1 and F2 generations when he crossed the tall and short plants? Write the ratio he obtained in F2 generation plants.

6. A student drew three magnetic field lines 1, 2 and 3 of a bar magnet with the help of a compass needle as shown in the figure.          [2]

A close-up of a sword

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(a) Is this configuration possible? If not, then what is wrong in the given figure and why?

(b) List any two characteristics of these magnetic field lines.


(a) What kind of energy transformation takes place when a magnet is moved towards a coil and a galvanometer is connected at the two ends of the coil?        [1]

(b) What is the name of this phenomenon?          [1]

7. During a class test teacher asked student to identify the correct image of the different trophic levels given bellow along with reasons.         [2]


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Observe the figure and answer the below questions.


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(a) Which trophic level has maximum number of organisms? Why?

b) In which trophic level chemicals like DDT are accumulated in highest concentration? Why?

Section – B

8. An element X (atomic number 17) reacts with an element Y (atomic number 20) to form a divalent halide.          [3]

(a) Where in the periodic table are elements X and Y placed?

(b) Classify X and Y as metal (s), non-metal (s) or metalloid (s).

(c) What will be the nature of oxide of element Y? Identify the nature of bonding in the compound formed.

9. A homologous series is a series of organic compounds which belong to the same family (i.e., possess same functional group) and show similar chemical properties. The members of this series are called homologous and differ from each other by the number of –CH2 units in the main carbon chain.              [3]

(a) What is the difference between two consecutive members in a homologous series in alkanes in terms of:

(i) Molecular mass

(ii) Number of atoms of elements.

(b) Write the name and formula of the 2nd member of homologous series having general formula CnH2n.

(c) The molecular formula of ‘A’ is C10H18 and ‘B’ is C18H36. Name the homologous series to which they belong.


The compounds which have the same molecular formula but differ from each other in physical or chemical properties are called isomers and the phenomenon is called isomerism. When the isomerism is due to the difference in the arrangement of atoms within the molecule, without any reference to space, the phenomenon is called structural isomerism.           [3]

(a) Draw the structures of two isomers of butane, C4H10.

(b) Why can’t we have isomers of first three members of alkane series?

10. Piyu saw a female being blamed by the family members for producing a girl child. She approached them and explained the genetic basis of sex determination of human beings. She explained them that mother is not responsible for the girl child. The family members agreed to her argument and felt sorry for their act.         [3]

Based on the above case, answer the following questions:

(a) What is the basis of sex determination in human beings?

(b) What are the chances of the birth of a boy or a girl during sexual reproduction in human beings?

11. Vaani connected a hot plate to a 220 V line, which has two resistance coils A and B, each of 22 Ω resistances.         [3]

Now she wants to calculate the amount of electric current flowing when coil are:

(a) used individually.

(b) connected in series.

(c) connected in parallel.

12. Calculate the equivalent resistance between the points A and B in the circuit shown below:        [3]

Chart, radar chart

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Consider the given electric circuit and find potential difference across each resistor.        [3]


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13. We observe heaps of garbage lying along the roads while passing through a highway. Open dumping is the most common method of waste disposal in India. The trash heaps are usually left open to the environment and the elements. These seldom have a sparse covering which can often attract pests or vermin. According to Priyanka’s father, it is the responsibility of the government to arrange for the management and disposal of waste.           [3]

(a) As an individual you have no role to play. Do you agree? Support your answers with two reasons.

(b) Give any two ways in which non-biodegradable substances would affect the environment.

Section – C

This section has 02 case-based questions (14 and 15). Each case is followed by 03 sub-questions (a), (b), and (c). Parts (a) and (b) are compulsory. However, an internal choice has been provided in part (c).

14. A dihybrid cross describes a mating experiment between two organisms that are identically hybrid for two traits. A hybrid organism is one that is heterozygous, which means that it carries two different alleles at a particular genetic position, or locus. Therefore, a dihybrid organism is one that is heterozygous at two different genetic loci. In 1865, Gregor Mendel studied the inheritance pattern of traits in a pea plant. According to this study, he obtained 9 : 3 : 3 : 1 ratio of certain traits in progeny of F2 generation.

Based on the given information, answer the questions given below:

(a) What trait did he study? How do they represent themselves?              [1]

(b) What was the trait of F1 progeny?       [1]

(c) Which rule does this inheritance pattern suggest? Explain.      [2]


How did Mendel’s experiments show that different traits are inherited independently? Explain.      [2]

15. Study the figure of a current carrying straight conductor passing perpendicularly through a horizontal cardboard. Answer the following questions:

Diagram, engineering drawing

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(a) Why does a compass needle show deflection when brought near a current carrying conductor?  [1]

(b) State right-hand thumb rule to mark the direction of the field lines.       [1]

(c) How will the strength of the magnetic field change when the point where magnetic field is to be determined is moved away from the straight conductor? Give reason to justify your answer.    [2]


Draw the pattern of magnetic field lines produced around a current carrying straight conductor passing perpendicularly through a horizontal cardboard as shown in figure.             [2]

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